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Testimonies of Healing

Four years ago Christian Science came to me in direct...

From the March 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Four years ago Christian Science came to me in direct answer to my prayer for light to lead me out of the darkness of despair. At that time a friend, whom I had not seen for three years, called upon me, and in the course of conversation suggested that I make a study of Christian Science; adding that she believed I would find in it a refuge and a help in every hour of need. I had never read or seen any of the Science literature, and I gladly accepted the loan of her copy of Science and Health, thinking that it would occupy my mind for the time being, and benefit me to that extent. I little knew that the deep, underlying truth of that wonderful book was to give me an all-absorbing interest which would change the color of my whole life. From the reading of the first page, I knew that I had found the truth, and I drank it in just as the parched ground takes in the refreshing rain. Early and late I read, and all my fears and the anxiety and care which had beset me vanished, and in their place came a wonderful peace, and a confidence and trust in God that have never left me. I realized that this harmony was my God-given heritage, which I had never known before.

During these four years Christian Science has indeed been an ever-present light, leading me out of the darkness of material beliefs and dispelling every cloud of sense testimony that has arisen. I have had hours of trial and stress, and moments of seeming danger, but they have served only as opportunities to prove the power of Truth. I feel a deep and ever-increasing sense of gratitude to God, and to our Leader, through whose illumined consciousness and by whose consecrated purpose and unselfed love for humanity this great and saving truth has been given to the world. And furthermore, I wish to show the sincerity of my gratitude by daily striving to put into practice the sublime teachings of Christian Science,—having no other gods before Spirit, and loving my neighbor as myself.

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