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Testimonies of Healing

For a long time I have felt it a duty to let the world...

From the April 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For a longtime I have felt it a duty to let the world know some of the good I have received through Christian Science. Ten years ago I was, to sense, a very sick man. I tried doctors of three different schools, and one said I had liver trouble, another that I had heart trouble, and another that I had kidney trouble. All prescribed, and I tried their remedies faithfully, but received no benefit. I became greatly discouraged, but at this time, when everything seemed darkest, a very dear friend of my family sent me two copies of The Christian Science Journal. I read and re-read them, especially the testimonies, and felt that I had found the panacea for my troubles. In a few days this same friend sent me a copy of Science and Health, and requested me to read it at least ten or fifteen minutes each day. It was through respect for her that I did so, but I confess that for the first week I did not seem to get much out of it. I could, however, catch a glimpse of the truth at times, and I persevered in reading it. I very soon found, however, that I did not care for smoking any more. Here let me say that the doctor who told me I had heart trouble, said it was caused by smoking, and this alarmed me so much that I tried a celebrated cure, and three other remedies for smoking, but they did me no good, indeed they seemed to increase the appetite for it. I kept on reading Science and Health, and found in a short time that headache, with which I had also been troubled for years, had left me. I can also say the same of rheumatism of years' standing.

It shames me much to say, that after receiving so great benefit from Christian Science, I allowed myself to drift from it for a while. I neglected my duties, and began using medicines again. At last I had a very painful case of piles, from which I had suffered for a long time. This ailment came back with terrific force, and I was confined to my bed for about ten days. Through the advice of a friend I called in a doctor who was considered an authority in that line of diseases. He at once said that an operation should be performed. Then another doctor was called and he said the operation would have to be performed that evening or he would not have anything to do with the case, as gangrene had set in. Now, with the pain that I was in and the doctor's talk about its killing me by morning, I was in anything but a happy frame of mind. It then came to me suddenly that I had been very foolish, for I had learned in Christian Science that God is all-powerful and ever-present. I immediately got up and dressed myself, went and gathered all the medicine I had in the house, and threw it out. My wife was standing looking at me, and afterwards told me she thought I had lost my reason. I then went to the telephone and called for Christian Science help, and I was helped at once, slept well all night, and on the third or fourth day I was at my work as usual. This was more than two years ago, and I have had no trouble since.

I feel very thankful to God, to Mrs. Eddy, and also to the practitioner who has been so kind and patient with me. Now why should I not be a firm believer in the blessed truth as taught in Christian Science? My daily prayer is that I may learn more and more of Life, Truth, and Love.

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