Table of Contents

It is with a deep sense of gratitude to our wise, patient,...
For a long time I have felt it a duty to let the world...
In this age of spiritual aspiration it is not surprising to...
Four years' study of Christian Science, and what a wonderful...
For twenty-five years I was a member of an orthodox...
I was lame from birth
Six years ago, through the influence of a friend who...
Three years ago, and for several years before that time,...
The sense of love and joy that came to me as I caught...
Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for what...
I am, as yet, what the true Christian Scientist terms...
I feel that the very least I can do in return for the...
I had been an invalid twelve years when I heard of...
It is eight years since I first began reading Science and Health
Some months ago I was in Lexington, Ky., visiting a...
I would like to relate my experience, and express my...