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From the April 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.—Jesus.

The compassionate appeal of Christian Science to the world meets with response most frequently from people who are in trouble; from them that cry, them that are acquainted with anguish of mind and body, or that have been bruised by man's inhumanity to man. Why is this so? It is because of the incomparable promise of Christian Science and of its fulfilment. You may search every system of religious and scientific belief, explore the vast network of philosophy and human reasoning, and you will find that no one of them, nor all combined, promises so much to the man who is in hell on earth, as does Christian Science. Nothing offers such assurance for his hope. If you will collect the testimony of every school or phase of religious, philosophic, or scientific endeavor, concerning the definite benefits thereof to mankind, and compare such testimony with the testimony of the beneficiaries of Christian Science, you will learn that not one of the former effects, or even claims to effect, such a comprehensive list of manifold benefits as are palpable in the indestructible facts of Christian Science practice.

Such statements as these may appear to be aggressive and monopolistic, because of their unbending positiveness of assertion. I will not stop now to justify this incisive quality, which is always incidental to scientific utterance and which Burr so aptly named "the effrontery of truth," but will beg the reader to remember that Christian Science does not ask any one to believe anything that he cannot prove to be true; to remember, also, that it is a demonstrable Science; a knowledge of which is manifested in conclusive proof. Would you ask for more than this? Will anything less than demonstrable truth ever serve to extricate humanity from its dire distress? Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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