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Testimonies of Healing

I was lame from birth

From the April 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was lame from birth. The condition was supposed to be prenatal, — a sort of birthmark, which gradually increased all my life, as nothing in a medical line could ever help me in the least. At the age of twenty-eight years, my right limb was two inches shorter than the other, and a great deal smaller, especially below the knee, where the muscles were all wasted away. I had never moved my toes, and the ankle joint very slightly. I was unable to put my heel to the ground, — I walked on my toes. As I stepped, instead of the muscles extending, there was a contracted and rigid feeling in the limb, which affected the whole side. My right shoulder was constantly higher than the other, and my right arm and hand was very much weaker than the left. I had always had poor sight and other trouble with my eyes which was hereditary, and it was for this trouble that I was led to try Christian Science. The practitioner, noticing my lameness, said it could be healed also, so this was included in the treatment. Soon afterwards, much to my surprise, I found as I walked that the muscles, which had never before been active, moved. On account of the inaction there had been very little sensation in the limb.

The limb gradually elongated until now it is the same length as the left one. I can move my toes and ankle freely, and the limb has increased in size. My shoulders are even and my walk is natural. The oculist who treated my eyes said I would never be able to see without glasses, as I had one of the worst cases of astigmatism he had ever treated, but now my sight is normal without glasses.

I shall ever feel grateful to Christian Science and to the faithful practitioner for the help received, both spiritually and physically.—

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