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Testimonies of Healing

In this age of spiritual aspiration it is not surprising to...

From the April 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In this age of spiritual aspiration it is not surprising to find that many Christian Scientists, in their search after good, have passed through a variety of phases of human thought before they learned of the divine Principle through whom they are demonstrating life's problems to-day. I do not remember the time when I failed to be interested, in a vague sort of way, in the deep things of life. Vague, because an extreme delicacy seemed to prevent me from undertaking consecutive study, and later, as I grew into womanhood, the world and its pleasures, physical and intellectual, occupied all the time that health permitted. Traveling the world over many times in search of health and happiness, I naturally came in contact with many phases of religious thought. The so-called free thinker, the spiritualist, the theosophist, and many others propounded to me their varied opinions, but none took any permanent hold on my imagination. Like my parents, I was a member of an orthodox church. So as time passed and as one experience after another came into my life, I listened and took what seemed good and left the rest, concluding that if we did the best we knew under the circumstances we would not go very far wrong.

It would take too much space to tell all that Christian Science has been, and is. to me. Sufficient to relate, that it was not until I understood the healing power of Christ as taught in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, that I was completely freed from spinal weakness, neuralgia of a very distressing nature, a functional trouble of years' duration, and many minor complaints. More particularly, however, would I emphasize the moral teaching of Christian Science. We have always been taught that if you are good you will be happy; but how may we be good? This is the great blessing that our beloved Leader has given to the world. She has discovered the "how," and made the understanding of the great Principle of being, so long sought by sage and philosopher, so simple that they who are willing to follow her instructions can see as they proceed, that the day is not very far distant when all will realize the blessed consummations predicted in Revelation, when all tears will be wiped away. This is what Mrs. Eddy has made possible,—the Christ-like life here to-day in all its fulness,—and it is only by following the steps of the Master that we can fathom all that Christian Science means.

The joy of having the Bible as an impersonal guide and friend is unspeakable, and probably one of the most remarkable results of Mrs. Eddy's discovery is our changed attitude towards the Bible; and perhaps the most remarkable experience enjoyed by students of the Bible and its "Key" is the wonderful illumination which comes with each perusal. Truly infinite Truth forever unfolds its beauties whenever we approach it with this new understanding! During my short life in Christian Science, only five years, I have had the privilege of seeing some wonderful effects of the healing power of Truth. I have known of cases of poison, cancer, rheumatism, indigestion, influenza, etc., quickly overcome by truth, but perhaps my greatest satisfaction was gained through the overcoming of that disease called "opposition to the truth," or "opposition to Mrs. Eddy."

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