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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that the very least I can do in return for the...

From the April 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that the very least I can do in return for the blessings brought to me by Christian Science, is to give to others a knowledge of some of the great benefits I have received, so that if any one who reads these lines should be laboring under an ailment similar to that which I had, he will know where to turn for a very present help in time of trouble. I did not come into Science as a result of personal healing. Some years ago my family became interested in Mrs. Eddy's teachings through the marvelous healing of our butler of an abscess on the knee. From that time on my mother attended the Christian Science services in Ithaca, N. Y., while I, having no decided religious views of my own, followed rather indifferently where she led. Several lesser illnesses were met and conquered during the next few years, by Christian Science. Perhaps the most serious of these was typhoid fever, but a practitioner was called at once, and within a very short time I was perfectly well, not having missed a day at my studies.

Shortly after this healing, I had what is known as an epileptic spasm. The causes were said to be overwork and a nervous shock caused by receiving two blows on the head from a base ball. A few weeks later I had another spasm, then another, until they became regular and chronic. A practitioner was called upon, and very shortly I began to improve. In a month or two I was practically healed, and during the autumn and winter I remained in perfect health. I had, however, done very little work for myself. I was inclined to take the healing as a matter of course, and, although I was glad enough to be well, I said to myself, "Now that I am well, I do not have to bother about Christian Science any more, and I can let it rest until I need it again." About the first of the year, the symptoms of the old ailment returned, and in a very short time it was as severe as it had been during the preceding summer. I turned for aid to a practitioner in Kansas City, Mo., where I have since located. Although I was benefited from the first, I received what proved of still greater value to me,—the realization that inasmuch as I had a fair understanding of Christian Science, and had had its efficacy proved to me, I was in a position to do my own work, also that, having this knowledge, it was necessary that I should apply it myself. I learned that while we can be healed through practitioners at first, there comes a time when we must demonstrate for ourselves the power of divine Principle. I stopped treatment and began to study faithfully. I did not let a spare moment go by without either reading-or realizing the truth.

The metamorphosis was marvelous. In a few days the spasms left me, and the symptoms became less and less manifest, until now I can truthfully say that I am perfectly and permanently cured of this supposedly incurable disease.

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