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Testimonies of Healing

Three years ago, and for several years before that time,...

From the April 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Three years ago, and for several years before that time, I was on the verge of nervous prostration; but I had little children and no one but my husband to help me with them, and he having to attend to his business, I was obliged to keep up. In September, 1901, I began to think of Christian Science, and in October of the same year I bought Science and Health, read it through, but could understand very little of it. However, I learned and constantly held in thought that God gives us strength to do all that we are called upon to do. In January, 1902, I found my faith tested, as I had to nurse three boys through scarlet fever, and was not in a position to hire any help. As the doctor pronounced them out of danger, I had more time to think of myself and felt the need of help, so I sent for a practitioner. She came to see me, and that encouraged me. She asked me if I wanted treatment for my physical condition alone, and I told her that I was dissatisfied with myself in every way, and wanted all the help I could get. She told me that all I could get would cover everything that man needed. With the first treatment I took off glasses which I had worn for eleven years. While before I could not read, write, or sew without them, now I do not know where the glasses are. In a month I was cured of nervousness. In the following July I had a baby born under Science treatment. With the first three children I had been from four to six weeks getting my strength, but the day that this baby was twelve days old I took lunch down town and did some shopping.

Last September I was blessed with class instruction, and was helped so much that for several months I have overcome, for myself and children, every ailment that appeared. In April, 1904, another little one came to us, and I was enabled to know that error has no power. The sixth day afterward I went out, and I was able to do my own work and take care of my baby without the slightest discomfort.

I wish to let every one know how grateful I am that I have found "the true God," and I am grateful to our Leader for her work for us. I am also grateful to the practitioner and to my teacher, who have so faithfully obeyed the Golden Rule. None but those who have been through the fire, know the blessings which Truth gives us, and the help that our Journal and Sentinel are. The healing means a great deal, but the restful, settled feeling and the happiness are far more.

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