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Testimonies of Healing

For ten years or more I was a partial invalid, with not...

From the May 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For ten years or more I was a partial invalid, with not the least hope of being well, or even relieved from pain which seemed to be more than any human being could bear. At times I had to keep hot poultices over my bowels the whole night long, to get even the least relief from a hardness which had formed in the lower part of the abdomen. These attacks of pain would come periodically and would last from two to four days. I suffered from indigestion and constipation and took cold easily, for which I was constantly taking medicine. I had several sores on my limbs which were called bed-sores and they were very offensive at times. Six or more years ago I heard of Christian Science, and wrote to a practitioner. I took treatment and was entirely freed from indigestion, constipation, and the disposition to take cold. The pain in the abdomen was relieved, but the hardness was not entirely removed, although reduced considerably. The fear still lingered, even after the bed-sores were healed. They, however, left several hard lumps, some of them nearly as large as an egg. At that time I commenced the study of the weekly Lesson-Sermons, and continued this study until last year, when I gave them up, but still studied Science and Health. I again grew very much discouraged, and was afraid of everything.

In September of last year there appeared a testimony in the Christian Science Sentinel which seemed to be just what I was seeking. I wrote to the one who gave it, and took treatment with this result,—the hardened lump in the bowels is entirely gone. It passed away in a dissolved state. The lumps are all gone from my limbs, and the fear is destroyed. But best of all is the spiritual uplifting I received while those ills were being destroyed, and since. The weekly Lesson-Sermons are my daily study again, and I dearly love to follow them.

I am very grateful to Mrs. Eddy for this truth which teaches us how to live.

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