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Testimonies of Healing

I would like to express my heartfelt thankfulness for...

From the May 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I would like to express my heartfelt thankfulness for the manifold blessings received through Christian Science. It is now about five and a half years since I first heard of it. My oldest son was stricken with paralysis, and we had tried everything that we could think of,—doctors and specialists, besides electricity, alcohol baths, and rubbing,—but no help came. My boy was getting worse; the last doctor said his time was short, that we must prepare for the worst. He was then in almost constant pain, his appetite gone, the left side shrunken, the left leg and arm thinner and shunken, the hand twisted, and the left foot badly twisted. At this time Christian Science was suggested, and after investigating it I found that the truth heals where doctors and medicine fail. I then got the address of a practitioner in Los Angeles, and he gave my son treatment.

After the first treatment the boy slept soundly all night; his pain all gone. He improved steadily and straightened up more and more each day. He is now sixteen years old, and is sound, healthy, and strong; only that his left hand shows a little of the old trouble at times, while at other times it is all right.

For the last five and one half years we have had neither medicine nor doctor, because we have found Christian Science reliable, a solid rock, a true foundation. It teaches us to put our trust in God. the only Life, Truth, and Love. There are seven of us in the family and many ailments have been overcome. I will mention some of them; my second boy, now fifteen years old, about three years ago received a blow on the head which fractured his skull and caused concussion of the brain. Friends and neighbors poured in on us, saying that we must have an operation or he would surely die. As we had received help in many different troubles before, our faith in Christian Science did not waver, so I went to our friend for help. He said to me, "Only trust in God. He will surely help you, as He has many times before." He gave the boy treatment, and he recovered in a short time.

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