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Men have been puzzled in all ages how to reconcile a...

From the May 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Pacific Baptist.

Men have been puzzled in all ages how to reconcile a belief in the omnipotence and omnipresence of God with the existence of evil. The philosophy that finds God everywhere, with difficulty leaves a place for man. "My child, I will give you a dozen oranges if you will tell me where God is." "And I, sir, will give you two dozen if you will tell me where God is not." It was a palpable hit for the boy Bossuet, for God is nowhere absent. But by the same token I know God's existence I know my own, and I shall be led into error if I ascribe evil to God. Perhaps the age-long problem would perplex us less if we comforted men's hearts with showing them God in all that is good. More and more with the passing of the years and the coming of the kingdom this truth shines with the glory of heaven.—Pacific Baptist.

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