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[Written for the Journal.]


From the May 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Strong tides of early sunlight sweep
Across the quiet hills,
Awaking grass and ferns from sleep,
The trees, and lyric rills;
White clouds, like sea-mews, skim the sky;
Low purls the fragrant breeze;
And robins from the pine-boughs nigh
Make matin-melodies.

'Tis Easter morning, calm and clear,
In spirit solitude;
Hushed are the sounds of strife and fear,
Hushed sorrow's carking brood.
Refrains of reverent praise and prayer
Adown the morning ring,
And to my heart, by peace laid bare,
A prescient power bring.

Light, as a robe, envelops me,
And unseen lilies bloom.
In thought, I look toward Galilee
And mark the empty tomb;
I feel the Risen Presence near;
"Rabboni!"I exclaim,
And lo, in sweet response, I hear
The Master call my name!

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