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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has brought me so many blessings...

From the July 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has brought me so many blessings, that I give my testimony with sincerest gratitude. It has turned my sorrow into joy, my sickness into health, and has given me the understanding that Life is God, and that God is Love. My physical healing, from a material standpoint, was almost miraculous. From girlhood I had been a sufferer from an internal malformation, pronounced incurable by a number of eminent specialists. When sixteen years of age I was operated upon in the hope of being relieved of the acute pain, but the operation gave me no relief, and I continued to take treatment from various physicians, until some years later, when I was again operated upon. I was promised great results from this operation, but was again disappointed. The fear of a third operation, about three years ago, drove me into Christian Science. I say drove, for I was literally driven. A loved member of my family had tried to lead me to this fountain of living waters, but I would not drink until sorrow and suffering had done their work, and then in sheer desperation I turned to Christian Science for help.

My opposition to Christian Science had been very bitter, and when I asked for help I told the practitioner that I did not want to be a Christian Scientist, but that I did want to avoid this operation. The first treatment in Christian Science enabled me to leave my bed, to which I had been confined for ten days, languishing with weakness, nervousness, and pain. Although three years have elapsed since that time, I have never had the slightest recurrence of my former ailments. In addition to the above, I was healed of rheumatism, catarrh, and a complication of difficulties with my eyes. Three eminent oculists had pronounced my trouble astigmatism, far-sightedness, inflammation of the lids, and spasms of the muscles of the eyes. I wore two pairs of glasses, but neither gave me perfect vision, nor did they relieve the intense pain. At times I could not see to read or sew and never could use my eyes at night. The distance glasses were put off at once but the giving up of reading glasses was a slower demonstration. Earnest, persistent seeking for the truth, however, brought the light. Need any wonder that I am joyously happy, and that there is a song of gladness and praise in my heart and on my lips. I thank God for our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, whose purity fitted her to transmit the light to a world groveling in darkness and despair. I thank her for the love, fortitude, and courage she has shown, despite the persecution and calumny hurled against her. My daily prayer is that my gratitude may be expressed "by bringing forth the fruits of Love — casting out error and healing the sick" (Science and Health, p. 35).

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