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Testimonies of Healing

I had suffered for about five years from a general breakdown...

From the July 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I had suffered for about five years from a general breakdown in health, had gone from one physician to another until three of Topeka's best physicians had done all they could for me without success; I had tried all sorts of medicines and supports as fast as recommended by interested friends, with no improvement whatever, but rather a terrible hopelessness of ever being any better. Then, what seemed to me the last straw was added to my burden, for my eyes, which I had been using very steadily, suddenly began to pain me so severely that I was compelled to protect them from every ray of light. At the time Christian Science found me I had been in a darkened room for three months, the shutters closed, the shades closely drawn, and my eyes tightly bandaged. A physician comfortingly told me that my blood was all turning to water from this close confinement, that he could do nothing for me until I should get fresh air, and my eyes were better; while an eye specialist said that he could do nothing for my eyes until my general health was improved. Shortly after this point of despair was reached a friend who had been greatly benefited by Christian Science treatment brought a practitioner to see me, who was also an old friend. She of course ]told me of Christian Science, and I was interested because it offered a hope that my eyesight might be saved. The first treatment was given that day, and my bandages came off never to go on again, the shades went up and the shutters were opened, and I again looked out into God's beautiful outdoors. I laid my bandages away, saying to the practitioner, however, "You do not realize how bad my eyes have been, and how careful I have to be of them." "Yes," she said, "I know that all these months you have been taking care of them your way; now let God care for them His way." This gave me a new thought, and courage and hope that God could do for me what had not been accomplished in a material way. The second day I was driven to the home of the practitioner; but my fear was so great that I covered my eyes up tight while outdoors, though on returning I wore only a pair of dark glasses to protect them. In a day or two this fear was so overcome that even the glasses were laid aside forever; also glasses which I had used for two years when sewing and reading, on account of near-sightedness from birth. After my healing I went to see the oculist, who was amazed to see me, and asked what had helped my eyes so much. And when I answered, "Not you, doctor, but Christian Science," he laughed long and heartily, and said, "All right; but, my girl, be careful of those eyes." I answered "I am learning how to be careful. I never knew before." He also tested the eyesight and said that the near-sightedness was greatly improved.

The healing of the other troubles came more gradually. I think, however, that treatment taken at that time was only about six weeks. Since that time, over ten years ago, every discordant condition of the body has been overcome through Christian Science treatment.

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