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From the July 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is looked upon by many as no more than an agency for the healing of physical diseases. By the uninformed its claim to be a religion is overlooked. Its claim that the healing is done by the same means that Jesus employed, and is therefore the work of God. aroused a prejudice that is fast giving way to a better understanding of Christian Science, its work, and its purpose. If it had done no more than heal those who had physical ailments, its work should still be commended for the good it has brought to the human race, but Christian Scientists see so much more in its ultimate purpose that even the great work of healing from disease is subordinate to its higher and holier mission of redemption from sin. The work of healing, however, is of great significance in two important respects, aside from the blessings which the healing bestows. The first is that the healing itself is a means of salvation, of redemption from sin, because such healing comes from a better condition of thought, which must, in a greater or less degree, elevate the sufferer mentally and morally; and second, it is the most convincing evidence to the person healed, as well as to others, that the healing is divine, and that Christian Science is founded on Truth.

The statement that Christian Science healing is the same as that practised and taught by Jesus, met with much opposition in the beginning. Many regarded the claim that any one could heal in the way that Jesus healed, as sacrilegious, but it should be remembered that Jesus made no claim of personal power to heal. He announced, time and again, that it was the Father who did the work. He said, "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father. ... If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true." And again! "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise." Not only did he say this, but he commanded his disciples to do the same works, and he declared without reservation that any one who believed on him could do the same work, and even greater work than he had done. From the Gospels and the Acts we learn that his disciples did this work, as Christian Scientists do now. When Peter and John healed the lame man at the gate of the temple called Beautiful they disclaimed any "power or holiness" of their own, and directed the thought of the people to the omnipotence of God.

There is absolutely nothing in Jesus' teaching, or in any word ever spoken by him, so far as we know, to indicate that the power of divine healing could be exercised by him alone, or by those persons only who were personally instructed by him. There is nothing in the Bible to indicate any such thing, yet it had come to be erroneously believed that divine healing was not brought about in accordance with law, but that Jesus' healing works were supernatural, miraculous. On no other grounds could it be claimed that the divine power to heal was for the Master's time only, and through no one on earth but him. It was therefore necessary, in order to overcome this objection to Christian Science, to demonstrate that the healing is not supernatural, but truly natural, and in strict accordance with divine law. This has been clearly shown by Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and had been proved by the works of healing done by her and by those who follow her teachings. Jesus did not content himself by merely preaching the Word. He demonstrated its power, proved it by his works. Mrs. Eddy learned by her own experience, in time of need, that there is a divine Principle of healing, and after she had received that great blessing, she was not content to believe that this was an act of divine favor extended to her, individually, in response to prayer, or that God could be moved by prayer to do more for her than for others. When her healing came she set to work to find the way, and she found it. She was led to search the Scriptures with an eye single to the discovery of the way shown by the Master, and the application of his divine teachings and demonstrations to the regeneration and healing of mankind. Having found the way, she proceeded to prove it, as Jesus and his disciples had done, centuries before, by healing the sick and sinful and teaching her students to do this great and beneficent work. The good that her work has done in the elevation of human thought, the redemption of mankind from sin, the bringing about of a better and more rational understanding of God and man's true relation to Him, and the healing from disease and other human afflictions cannot be overestimated. The sufferer who has been brought under its influence cannot adequately express either the peace and happiness it has brought into his life, or the gratitude he feels for the blessing he has received. What is the significance of the healing, and what does it prove? Our tenets declare:—

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