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Testimonies of Healing

My attention was first called to Christian Science in 1896...

From the July 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My attention was first called to Christian Science in 1896, while in the Northwest. At the time I was actively engaged in the slum mission and revival work and was preparing to enter the ministry. While in Idaho I had the pleasure of meeting a lady who was a Christian Scientist, and while I had several conversations with her I never gave Christian Science a serious thought until the following incident occurred. One afternoon my mother was invited to attend a meeting of the Woman's Club which was held in the parlors of the hotel. After the business of the meeting had been disposed of the conversation turned to a scandal that had recently occurred in the town. It was soon noticed that three of the ladies had drifted out of the crowd and were engaged in conversation in a corner of the room, and a prominent member of the club called the attention of the others to the fact, with the remark that the ladies in question were more than likely in a position to give them an account of the latest developments regarding the scandal; whereupon the three ladies were soon besieged with questions. With one accord they met the questions with, "Really, ladies, you know we never discuss such matters." At this rebuke the lady who had been most aggressive turned upon her heel and said, "Oh! They are Christian Scientists!"

When my mother narrated the above incident to me, I was very much impressed and wished to know something of Christian Science, so I wrote to the Publishing Society in Boston, requesting such literature as they might have for free distribution. The literature was forwarded to me and I read it while returning South. The theory and arguments appealed to me at once. My only question was, "Can they prove it?" Before I arrived home I had reached the conclusion that if the Bible were true Christian Science must also be true, and now I concluded to place myself under the care of a Christian Science practitioner as soon as I arrived home, for I was in great need of physical healing.

I had always been considered delicate. When about three years of age I began to suffer with catarrh of the throat and head, which was supposed to be hereditary, i had been under the care of physicians and specialists every year for seventeen years, receiving only temporary relief. In 1893, while playing base ball, I was struck by a ball and received an umbilical hernia for which I had to wear a special truss, the physicians stating that my only hope for relief was in an operation. For two years I had suffered from hemorrhoids and piles. Having always suffered from weak eyes a pronounced case of astigmatism had developed and was giving me a great deal of trouble.

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