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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German.]

In June, 1904, my wife fell from the street car and broke...

From the July 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In June, 1904, my wife fell from the street car and broke her arm. She went to a physician, who placed it in splints. Her hand and the whole arm were terribly swollen, the pain was almost unendurable, and she could find neither rest nor sleep. Two days later we called in a Christian Science practitioner, who gave her a treatment; the pain disappeared entirely and the swelling decreased. The practitioner reminded us of the Master's words, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." She brought us a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, which we studied daily and earnestly to learn something of this wonderful healing power. When the physician removed the splints, he was amazed that the arm was perfectly healed and that it could be used freely.

Six weeks later a horse, which I had just bought, kicked and struck my wife in the face, and she fell to the stone pavement unconscious. She was carried into the house, and medical aid was called. Three physicians appeared, and they declared that my wife could not live. The examination showed that her skull was fractured, and the nose was broken so that the lower part of her mouth was visible. On one side of her face the upper cheek-bone was broken in three places and the lower jaw-bone once. The physicians considered it necessary to take her to a hospital, where she was to undergo the inevitable operation, if she lived long enough to have it done—even that was considered doubtful. I sent immediately for the Christian Science practitioner, who appeared a few minutes later and took the case. She went into the adjoining room to work undisturbed. A few minutes later I went in and complained that I must now lose my wife after all. The practitioner looked at me with a loving and fearless expression, and replied: "Do you want your wife to live? Then you must expect it, and let her live. You should know that God is her Life." She assured me that God's law never says, "There is no hope;" and Christ Jesus said, "Because I live, ye shall live also." These words gave me the needed comfort and sweet hope that my wife would get well.

During the four weeks that she was in the hospital, the wounds were kept clean but there was no trace of any fever, —her temperature was normal,—which puzzled the physician. She was free from pain after the first treatment in Christian Science. Every one who heard it was surprised, for from a human standpoint this was a severe accident. The physician feared blood-poisoning, and he was still without hope of her recovery, but this erring mortal belief was proved untrue, through the understanding of the all-power and presence of God. The Christian Science practitioner visited my wife every day to continue the treatment with precaution and wisdom. The wounds are perfectly healed, only on the nasal-bone, where a loose splint was removed, there is a slight indentation noticeable. Tn spite of all medical assertions that her sense of smell would be lost on account of the disturbance of the olfactory nerves, an examination proved that it was perfect. Her healing was also perfect in every way, and after five weeks she was able to perform her daily duties without fear.

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