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Testimonies of Healing

It is twenty-one years since I first met a Christian Scientist

From the July 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is twenty-one years since I first met a Christian Scientist. Then I was in quest of health and happiness, which I had not known for many years. From infancy I was a delicate child and cannot remember ever being well and strong like other children. Eight years prior to my healing I had been under the care of several first-class physicians, was in a hospital for a short time, and also in a home for invalids, but it was no help to me. I felt my days were numbered, and since my recovery I have been told by my friends that they had given me but a short time to live. While visiting in Boston for a few days, I met one of Mrs. Eddy's students, who had been under conditions similar to mine. She told me of her case, and she was surely a picture of health and happiness. I asked her to tell me about Christian Science, which she did, first explaining to me the Christian Science teaching, that God is the only Life, intelligence, and substance, filling all space and being all powerful; then of man's relation to God, as His perfect child.

In my childhood I was a constant attendant at Sunday School and church, and later I united with the church, but in time of sickness it gave me no healing or relief. Still I knew Jesus' teachings and promises; and I knew I should receive help from the teachings of the Scriptures. My first visit to the practitioner convinced me that Christian Science was the truth. I can never tell any one of my experience for the first few weeks. It was heaven indeed. I seemed to be conscious only of Truth and Love. It was like coming from darkness to the midday sun. I then saw but little change in the physical condition, but that did not trouble me; I knew God would heal me, the new light brought so much joy and peace. My physical healing was slow but sure,—I continued under treatment some six months. I attended the Sunday services at Hawthorne Hall, Park Street, Boston, then conducted by our beloved Leader, and with the study of her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I gradually improved.

I said from the first I wished to give my time to this good work, that when I was healed it should be my lifework in return for the blessing I had received. I "had such a yearning to do for others and relieve their sufferings, and the best of all was to bring them to the knowledge of Christ. This I have been enabled to do.

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