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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to testify to what Christian Science has done for...

From the July 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to testify to what Christian Science has done for me. When I was about four years old I had scarlet fever, which left me a nervous wreck. There seemed to be a hardening of the spine, and the contraction of the muscles was so great that to look to either side I had to turn my entire body. I was wearing the strongest lenses in order to see, and could not lay them off even for a few minutes. The contraction of the muscles of the eyes was so great that one eye protruded and touched the glasses. For years I suffered so from nervous prostration that oftentimes I could not bear to have any one talk to me, but had to be left entirely alone in a darkened room. I was not able to thread a needle, nor to do sewing of any kind. For four years there was a constant pain in my jaw, which the doctors were not able to locate or to do anything for. A dentist extracted two solid teeth, hoping thereby to overcome the difficulty, but this only caused a worse condition. This pain never ceased day or night, and the suffering was so great that I oftentimes wished for death.

After all had been done for me from a medical standpoint, my physician said that nothing but a surgical operation would do me any good, so arrangements were made to have the muscles of the eye cut. To this the family had consented; yet my mother felt that the operation must be put off for a day or two longer, hoping and praying there might be some way, through divine means, to bring about the desired result.' I am "glad to be able to say that this help did come; and we see that it came about in God's own way, as a result of earnest prayers.

About a year ago, and at the very time set for the operation, Mr. Young of Chicago delivered a lecture in this city on Christian Science, and a very dear friend invited my mother to attend, which she did. It was while she heard this lecturer speaking of God's promises to heal all our physical infirmities, as well as our transgressions, and also of" the hundreds of cases of healing through Christian Science, that she saw a hope at least of escape from the dreaded operation. The next day she called on a Christian Science practitioner and arranged for treatment; with the first treatment relief came, and in a very remarkably short time I was healed of all my troublesome complaints. The contracted condition of the spine was soon overcome, and the eye was restored to its normal condition. The glasses were soon laid aside, for all pain had subsided and my eyes were perfectly well. I can now see to do all kinds of work either by day or night. My Bible, which I could not then read for any length of time, and which had but little meaning to me, has now a new meaning, with the light thrown upon it through the reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, for God's promises have been made plain and practical. My wonderful healing stands as a living proof of God's care, and that the day of Christian healing is not past, as many are taught to believe.

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