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Testimonies of Healing

I can hardly find words to express my love and gratitude...

From the July 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I can hardly find words to express my love and gratitude to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who made known to us the great truth that God will heal us when we turn to Him. I cannot remember when I had good health. I was born in South America, where it was so very hot that it was thought I must die with chronic dysentery. I was taken away from there, and seemed to be better, but always had to be careful of what I ate, or the old illness would return, with much pain. When I grew into womanhood I became more sickly, and after the birth of my last child, in 1894, I was bedridden for a year with what was called milk leg, blood-poison, abscess on the liver, etc. Although all was done that the best doctors ordered, I did not get well. In 1897 I learned of Christian Science, but I would not read Science and Health and received no help, although I saw many others who had received much benefit. I tried all other treatment that I could hear of, but in 1899 I went back to bed worse than I ever had been. We called in three of the best doctors here, and they advised an operation. One of them said that there was very little chance that I would live through the operation, but that I might live on, even if in misery. Then I got so that I could sleep only as I took a sleeping powder.

The spring of 1900 found me a total wreck, having no hope on earth, when a friend who was with me called in medical help for herself, but kept growing worse. After six weeks of suffering, she turned to Christian Science and was healed in three days. I saw and believed. She brought home a copy of Science and Health, and I began to read it aloud to her. To my surprise I found that I could go to sleep without the powder; then I found I could move myself by holding on to a chair. We then decided to write to a practitioner, and in five days from the time of writing I was strong enough to walk a few steps with two sticks, though I was all bent over.

When I went for treatment, the motion of the train seemed to hurt me very much, but I felt that if I had to die on the way, nothing should stop me. I arrived at the house of a Christian Scientist, and to my dismay I found that my room was upstairs, but I was told not to be afraid. All that night the twenty-third Psalm, as given on page 578 of Science and Health, was with me. The practitioner called to see me on her way to Wednesday evening meeting, and gave me treatment. She also asked me to go with them. I said I would be sore and sick the next day if I did. She said, "God is your strength and He will care for you." I went there, and found such peace. Every one was either well or getting well. I was so glad! I was better in the morning, ate all that was set before me, and never suffered from it, which I could not understand but rejoiced at it. I improved rapidly, could run up and down stairs without pain, — something I had not done in twelve years. I then seemed to be worse, could not think, all was confusion. When I went for my treatment I was told to read in Science and Health, page 421, where chemicalization is explained. I at length dropped into a sweet sleep, and waked up to find the world a happy place where all was peace. That evening a piece of decayed flesh came away and my right side has never troubled me since.

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