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Testimonies of Healing

For a long time I suffered from mental depression and...

From the February 1908 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For a long time I suffered from mental depression and intense nervousness caused by numerous complications of ill-health. I was taken with abdominal trouble, and at the same time was told by my physician that I would have to undergo an operation. A dropsical condition developed and I was partially paralyzed. These things caused me so much suffering that it was thought I would lose my mind. Many times I would have taken my life but for the fear of what would be said of me. In this intolerable condition a friend found me and advised me to try Christian Science. I resisted, but he urged me the more to give it a trial, and I finally yielded. He hurried off immediately and brought to me a practitioner of this city, one who through Christian Science had been healed of blindness. She helped me at once from the first-named trouble, but the others were many and stubborn and it was over a year before all were healed, although I was not having the treatment regularly during this time. When I saw that my condition was improving so perceptibly, I became intensely interested to understand what it was that was bringing about such a great change, and I secured a copy of Science and Health and other books by Mrs. Eddy, together with the Quarterly and my Bible, and gave myself up to their study. I was absorbed in the wonderful revelation of Christian Science, and read so much that my landlady became anxious about me and suggested to my friend that he try to dissuade me from so much reading for fear it might unsettle my mind. But I clung to it. and not only found perfect health instead of the great suffering I had endured so long, but I have practised Christian Science ever since, and through it have helped many others out of their ills — diseases and sins — into rejoicing Christian Scientists. Christian Science has met every seeming discord of my life, and has healed me of lung and throat trouble, and many other ailments, also of financial lack, and I have proven that I can always turn to it for help and comfort in every hour. I wanted more of the bread of Life, and a clearer understanding of Truth has enabled me to do a great deal better work, has made the Bible a new and living book, and has given me an invariable rule by which I can work out all my problems.

I thank our beloved Leader, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, for all that Christian Science has brought to me. It has taught me the beauty of obedience; I have learned that by conscientiously attending the services of our church, the business meetings, association meetings, by studying the Lesson-Sermons regularly, obeying the Manual and our Leader's loving admonitions, will we the sooner rise into a more harmonious and useful life.

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