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[Written for the Journal.]


From the February 1908 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When the glint of the diamond, sparkling white,
Sheds luster and glow in the somber night;
When the emerald, shaded to azure hue,
So pleases the eye that life seems new —
Think of this, dear heart:
Earth's daintiest art
Is not of the Spirit, however true.

Love lurks in the gleam of an amber light.
Like the tears of joy seem the gems of white;
But the jewels most found in "the narrow way"
Are not from the mine in earth's dull clay.
They have shadings as true
As heaven's own blue,
Where the real gem lighteth an endless day.

Here the ruby burns with a light so rare
That the humblest of earth find gladness there.
When the jewels unseen to mortal eye
Shall sprinkle with stars our love-lit sky,
We shall see, and knew—
For 'twas always so—
God's man was not born, and can never die.

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