About three years ago my daughter, sixteen years of age, was taken suddenly ill, and as I had always been able to overcome any previous indispositions, I treated her and expected she would be better. Instead, she grew rapidly worse, so I called in a practitioner. The battle between the lie of material sense and the truth of spiritual sense commenced, and continued fierce and long, for the disease proved to be what doctors consider a dangerous fever, and there seemed to be much to overcome.
My daughter was delirious from the first; she took no nourishment, nor anything save water, for eight days, and that she could retain but a few minutes, and her throat and tongue were in a terrible condition,—in fact all the symptoms that mortal law says shall accompany this disease were present. The practitioner was faithful and did not falter, although at times the outlook was very dark. She would come and sit with the patient an hour at a time, and she worked for her when away almost unceasingly. Realizing that God was my strength, I was able to care for my daughter, and so the days lengthened into weeks—weeks that brought us into close communion with God. At last she began to improve, and just five, weeks from the day she was stricken she had her clothes on and sat up, although her mind was not right even then. But by constant realization of the truth, as taught in Science and Health, this difficulty was overcome, and she gradually became her bright happy self again.
This illness occurred near the close of her second year in high school, and since then she has completed the four-years course and received her diploma, thus showing there was no bad effect from the illness, as some of our friends predicted, some even going so far as to say it would have been better to let her pass on rather than have her live in the condition in which she would probably be. Surely "great is our God above all gods." For this healing and the many other blessings I have received, my heart is filled with the deepest gratitude to God, and with thankfulness to our Leader for her faithfulness and love.