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[Written for the Journal.]


From the December 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Where speed the swallows when the nights grow chilly
And earth with longing gaze entreats the sun
To shine again on rose and water-lily —
Where speed they, hastening homeward, every one?

Swift to a warmer clime their flights are winging,
Where tamarinds ripen and the breeze is kind;
where tenderest welcomes on the air are ringing,
And songs are wafted on the scented wind.

Where turns my heart, when slowly comes the learning,
The bitter emptiness of love forgot?
Whence finds it solace from the human yearning
When earth no longer holds one gladsome spot?

High in the heaven immortal Love is reigning,
Where tired hearts and sore find now release;
When mortals turn, no more earth's vain joys feigning,
They in Christ's loving arms find joy and peace.

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