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Testimonies of Healing

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I give my testimony...

From the December 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I give my testimony through the pages which convey such sweet messages of hope to suffering humanity. My first debt to Christian Science was for my own healing, which was a wonderful case of mental surgery. I bad suffered intensely for nearly eight years with a spinal curvature and a growth on one side of the spine; also with many other ills, such as internal misplacements, etc. I had never been strong or well, and the eight years previous to my healing were almost entirely given up to the use of every possible means of gaining health which was offered to me by materia medica.

Nearly four years ago. when my strength and courage were almost gone, I went to a Christian Science practitioner, who patiently and lovingly lifted me above the error and taught me man's relation to God, as made known to us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. In three or four weeks my spine was perfectly straight and I was well on the road to recovery. The change from a life of constant suffering and from being an object of anxiety and solicitude, to one of activity and usefulness, is to me indeed a cause of great joy. Christian Science also appeals to me by the beauty of its thought and the logic of its reasoning, and as offering the only solution of the problem of existence. Through the understanding of it which I have gained, many seemingly serious difficulties have been successfully met, and every day there is cause to be thankful to God for it.

It would he impossible for me to have had the experience I have related and not feel the greatest sense of gratitude and love for the one who has made it all possible,—the one who was spiritually minded enough to perceive this truth and good enough to make it available and possible to me. I therefore offer my grateful, loving reverence to Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

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