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From the December 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

DURING the past year the writer has conversed, in a fraternal way, with numerous clergymen. Some have come to his office to inquire what there is in the Christian Science faith that gives the movement such vitality; some have accosted him in the street to propound questions. Believing that great spiritual truth cannot he attained through prejudice or the spirit of debate, sneering interrogations have been treated with a pleasant diversion, —perhaps on the New England weather. But all sincere inquiry, though far astray, and bound hand and foot with the grave-clothes of prevalent material systems, has been met, according to the light given, with patience and candor.

With a desire to know just what the clergy think, when they think of Christian Science, some questions were noted down, and from these the following are selected as typical of prevalent clerical thought. Very frequently the first question was this: "Do you really think that your Leader is inspired?" and I answer: "Now, my friend, if I say yes, she is inspired, you will at once revert to the old theory of inspiration, which was our puzzle in the theological seminary, and appeared the more impossible as reason developed. It involves two laws, two orders, both of God: supernatural and natural, spiritual and material, immortal and mortal. One must break through, and in a given case rearrange and control the other. Inspiration is, therefore, not the natural order for man; it is a miracle, and the age of miracles has passed. Thus modern inspiration and healing is labeled and excluded. The need of humanity continues; and has God changed? Now, lest we get confused over the association of a word, let us change the word, and ask, Is our Leader illumined, so as to communicate God's healing word?

"Right here, we must understand the Christian Science concept of God and man. and their necessary and indissoluble relation. God is infinite Mind, Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love; all-potent, all-wise, all-present; nothing has reality apart from God or contrary to divine Mind; such a being would have no creator nor support. It is mortal illusion, which spiritual understanding annuls; hence the real man is spiritual,—the offspring of divine thought. He is idea, image, likeness. He is forever within the 'focal radiation' of divine intelligence, and reflects God. Emerson says, 'God speaks, not spoke.' All truth is of God; error is not of Him. and has no being. He who speaks truth — spiritual reality—is illumined (inspired), and speaks God's word. Then, from the Christian Science view of God, man's illumination is the natural order, and the only question is this: Has our Leader, through discipline and consecration, become sufficiently conscious of the ever-present divine Mind, to know and express God's saving truth? Does her message positively and permanently spiritualize daily life, cast out evil, and heal the sick? If so, it is God's message, tested by its fruits. She who has spoken it is illumined, and Christian Science is the Christ-idea, redeeming the world; to the fast increasing evidence of this demonstration, every Christian Scientist is ready to appeal, with unfaltering confidence."

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