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Testimonies of Healing

Early last May I received a letter from Bradford...

From the December 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Early last May I received a letter from Bradford, N. H., telling me that my brother's child was very ill with bronchial and lung trouble, and that the doctor had said he could only live until night. I went at once to a Christian Science practitioner, and she gave the child treatment. This was at three o'clock in the afternoon. I wrote a letter, and on the five o'clock train received a reply, saying that he was better. I afterward learned from a member of the family who was present, that the child suddenly looked up, and spoke of the train that was passing by, and asked for his picture cards. That evening he wanted to get out of bed. He received three treatments in all, was soon well, and has remained so. My brother had three children, and two of them had passed away under materia medica. At the time he lost the little girls he said, "I do not believe there can be a just God to take my little dears away." When the little boy was spared, he said, "Nothing but God's power has saved my child."

I would also like to tell of my own healing, which occurred last September. I was at the home of my parents, at Waterloo, Y. H., and went out into the garden in the early evening. Suddenly I was bitten on the ankle by an adder. The poison seemed at once to affect my head, and during the night my face began to break out. The next day I came home to Concord, and my husband, being frightened, went to a physician and procured a remedy which to please him I applied to my face. I, however, continued to grow worse, and on Sunday morning my face was so swollen that a neighbor did not recognize me; other parts of my body were also affected. This was the third day, and after my husband had gone away I sent for a Christian Science practitioner, feeling that if I could have treatment in Christian Science I would be all right. And surely my faith was rewarded, for after one treatment I was so much better that when my little niece came in the evening, she said, "Now, auntie, you begin to look real." This little niece, by the way, had been reading Science and Health with me. By the next Wednesday all effects of the poison had entirely left me.

For this and many other blessings I am deeply thankful to God, and I am also grateful to Mrs. Eddy for Science and Health, which has been a great help to me. I have a father and mother and eight brothers and sisters, and through the proofs which they have had of the efficacy of Christian Science, all are becoming interested.

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