I feel that I should no longer delay in giving my testimony, and so in a measure express my gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has through her explanation of the Bible enabled me to realize that God is an ever-present help. I am striving each day to express the thankfulness I feel.
Two years ago I came into Christian Science, for the physical healing. Ever since I was a small child I had been afflicted with a diseased condition of the left ear, said to be the after effect of a fever. Many physicians and specialists had treated me, but I got no permanent relief. Finally, an aurist said I must have an operation. It was then that a dear friend, a Christian Scientist, advised me to see a practitioner. I concluded to do so, and my ear ceased to discharge from the first treatment. After a few months I knew that the ear was absolutely healed. I had also been afflicted for many years with stomach trouble, and twice a week suffered intensely for hours with headache; although I took the remedies prescribed by physicians and considered them essential to my well-being. Since I commenced the study of Christian Science, however, I have been completely healed of these ailments. Where I was once subject to great mental depression, I am now, as my husband declares, "a changed being." I realize more and more each day that God is All, and I put my trust in Him.
About a year ago my husband was healed of a very severe attack of a skin disease. I asked him whether he would have a doctor or a Christian Science practitioner to treat him, and much to my surprise he chose the latter. I asked for help for him, and in five days he was down town. He had four absent treatments and two present. In materia medica a patient suffering from this disease is seldom able to be out in two weeks. His recovery was therefore remarkable.