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Testimonies of Healing

About five years ago I was said by...

From the October 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About five years ago I was said by physicians to be in a very precarious condition. Their diagnosis of the case was that there were several large abdominal growths, which would render the birth of my child impossible except through the Caesarean operation, and at the time of this proposed operation the growths were also to be removed. After great suffering for some months, with little hope of help through material means, I turned to Christian Science. My husband went to a neighboring city and arranged for me to have absent treatment. In about two weeks, during which time there was much improvement, premature birth seemed inevitable, so a physician was called, who said that an immediate operation was necessary in order to save my life. I was accordingly hurried to the hospital and prepared for the operation. In the mean time, however, the practitioner had been called over the long-distance telephone and told of the conditions. As I was going under an anesthetic, the nurse told me afterward that I kept repeating, "Give me more Christian Science," and, thank God, I did have the help that was needed, for before the operation could be performed, the child was delivered, even without the use of instruments.

My recovery was so rapid that the doctor advised the operation for the removal of the growths while I was still in the hospital, saying that was the only way I could ever be helped. While trying to decide between the operation and Science, I awakened one morning with the beautiful words from the prophecy of Isaiah, coming to me over and over again, "Arise, shine; for thy light is come." This was the clarion call, and I knew my help was to come through Science. I left the hospital, and in less than three weeks I went to the neighboring city, where I could find out from the practitioner more about this power of God that had given me such a wonderful deliverance.

One morning, after about ten days' further treatment, I was alone in my room, reading the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. After a while I laid aside the books to look within my own consciousness to ascertain what prevented my realizing the complete healing. It seemed to me that in so far as I knew how, I had lived a Christian life, having always been an active worker in a church. I felt that I had done all I could, and that if I were not healed, I could never pray or read the Bible again, for God's promises would mean nothing.

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