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Testimonies of Healing

About three years ago my first...

From the October 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About three years ago my first impression of Christian Science was gained through the reading of a Thanksgiving number of the Monitor. I had not read our daily papers for some months, but after seeing that copy of the Monitor I promised myself to look into Christian Science, for I felt that an organization which published such a paper was certainly worthy of investigation. The opportunity to do so came in a few months, for necessity brought it about, when material means had failed for a member of our family.

Through the advice of a friend of my husband we had a Christian Science practitioner come out to the house, for we knew nothing of absent treatment. On learning that all of our family could thus be ministered to, we decided that all should seek to get well. Our son, who had eye trouble at the time, was healed the first night. I had dieted for four years for kidney trouble, wore glasses for defective vision, had had a rectal ailment for fourteen years, so I too was ready to be healed. After the first treatment and the most beautiful talk to which I had ever listened, I took my glasses off, never to use them again. In regard to dieting, the practitioner remarked, "Did not Jesus say, 'Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat'?" I felt that I had been dreadfully disobedient, but I have eaten without taking thought ever since then, and have not suffered from it. The other illusion was a little longer in going, and has been manifested slightly since my first healing; but the application of the truth was sufficient.

All this was accomplished without my having seen a copy of our textbook; but about three weeks after my healing, my first visit to a Wednesday evening service gave me a great longing for the book, and my husband purchased a copy the following day. I was grateful to be free from disease and felt I had begun a new life, but words cannot express my gratitude to God for the understanding I have gained in my study of Science and Health. At first the text-book seemed so far beyond me that I often went to a dear friend for an explanation, until one day she gave me advice for which I am indeed grateful. She said, "Read the book over carefully, use what you can understand, and God will unfold the rest as fast as you are ready." This has proven true, and I have learned to lean on the teachings of the Bible and Science and Health; but I began the daily study of our Lesson-Sermons before I had read the text-book through. I am glad that I did this, for the Bible became a new book to me, when spiritually discerned. I have occasion to use Christian Science daily, and I am happy to know that it can never be exhausted, since God is the source of infinite supply.

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