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From the October 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A PRIMARY teacher once said: "Whatever else children get in my schoolroom, happiness they must have. It is the divine right of a child to be happy." "How about the teacher?" it was asked. "Oh, I'm happy enough, but then, we cannot expect that; it is ours to shoulder the care and responsibility." Just here we may press the questions, How about the teachers, the mothers, the fathers? How about men and women of riper years and experience? Is it wrong for them to expect happiness? Is a sense of care and burden a virtue? Is decline and fall under the stress of human life the consummation which merits the "Well done" of the Master?

For ages men have been engaged in a struggle, an unequal fight with the beliefs of ignorance and darkness. The more conscientious the man or woman, the more burden and responsibility he has accepted. Condemned by all the laws of matter and ignorant of divine law, mortals have tottered beneath the load, and finally fallen, often self-condemned because they had accomplished so little.

To this perverted sense of being, Christian Science comes with the swift message, Turn, turn ye, and live. But where? Certainly not in any direction known to material philosophy, psychology, or theology, but simply to the light of Truth, "the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." This is the light which God announced in the beginning, which has never failed, and is today shining with a clearer radiance around the world. This light of Spirit at first blinded Paul, but it afterward attended him in all his earthly career. It was the light of the transfiguration, and it is likewise the resurrection dawn in Christian Science.

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