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From the October 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGH her lucid explanations and the utilization of a special capitalization Mrs. Eddy has raised certain words to a higher level of signification, being used in many instances as synonyms for God; and the advantage of this is that we get to understand the divine nature better. For instance, Mrs. Eddy uses the word Mind to indicate the infinite Principle of being, the omniscient intelligence which was revealed to Moses as the "I am that I am." A mind without ideas would be no mind; an idea apart from Mind is no idea, and a mind and idea existing without a purpose would be unthinkable.

The domestic duties of a mother have been painted in pretty word and pigment pictures by poet and artist, but years of the monotonous round of household duties, of sewing and cooking, of floor-scrubbing and wash-tubbing, have a way of hiding the rhythm of the poet and the glowing colors of the artist and the purpose of it all. The miner crouched down for hours, picking at the coal, is tempted to be doubtful of the nature of the intelligence that made an article of necessity so difficult and so dangerous to obtain. The unemployed also have doubts as to the beneficent character of the author of such inscrutable mysteries of adjustment which permit of millions being overworked and thousands being left without any work at all. The sick and the sinning, unwilling victims of a seeming irresistible force, beat hopelessly at their prison bars, demanding the why and the wherefore of it all.

Thus the world as it appears to the material senses seems a mass of purposeless ideas, but Christian Science has come to save us from this state of confusion. It declares that the material world is a false concept and, scientifically speaking, an unreal world; it lacks congruity in its adjustments, just as the insane lack coherence in their reasonings. The healing process of the world through Christian Science will be similar to the healing of an insane man. As through the power of Truth his reasoning becomes more and more coherent as his derangement is healed, so too will the world's inconsistencies and inaccuracies diminish, until the divine purpose alone is found to be the only motive in expression.

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