From the time I was eight years old I suffered from rheumatism of the joints, to which was added a supposedly organic heart trouble, which grew more serious in the course of years and resulted in spasms of the heart. I consulted several specialists, who prescribed baths and rest treatment; but it all proved of no avail. Two years ago, I heard of Christian Science through a friend, and I was immediately inspired with a sense of great trust. I went to Hannover, where I had treatment from a Christian Science practitioner, who also explained the teaching to me. It was possible for me to attend the beautiful services and meetings, from which I derived much profit.
I am in good health now, and am able to do any kind of work. In Christian Science I have found everything for which I had longed, and I feel that I cannot be too grateful to Mrs. Eddy for having shown us the way to God which she herself trod in meekness and self-immolation.—Offelten, Westphalia, Germany.