In August, 1911, I was taken severely ill, and on his second visit the physician pronounced it typhoid fever. I was not a Scientist, but having seen some of the benefits derived from their treatment of disease, I decided that I would rather trust my case with Christian Science than with materia medica.
Upon reaching this decision, my sister telephoned a practitioner, who arrived about midnight, finding me with a violent headache and in a high fever: but by one o'clock the fever was broken and my head had stopped aching. This was on Friday night, and on Sunday I was able not only to dress and come down-stairs, but also to play upon my clarinet. The treatments were continued only a short time, when I was able to be at work again. When I think of what might have been under medical treatment, words cannot express my gratitude to God for this beautiful demonstration of His goodness.—Seattle, Wash.