It is three years since we became acquainted with Christian Science,and during that time we have received many blessings, for which we are truly grateful. More especially would I like to tell of one instance of healing. In the beginning of November,1911, my father was suddenly taken ill with an abdominal complaint. As we lived some distance from a Christian Science practitioner and the pain seemed unbearable, father wished a physician to be summoned. After an examination the latter declared the case to be a serious one and gave little hope of improvement. We then telegraphed to a Christian Scientist in Zurich, who came at once and lovingly took up treatment. The pain soon subsided, and after four weeks, during which time absent treatment was given for the most part, my father was completely healed. He feels better today than ever before, and although he has passed his eightieth year, he is still accomplishing a great deal of work.
We are happy to live in an age in which Jesus' teachings have again been given to mankind,and we are constantly striving for more light in the truth. Our gratitude to God is great, and it is also great to our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy.—Fidaz-Flims, Ct. Graubünden, Switzerland.