I am very grateful for the contentment and peace that have come into my life through Christian Science, and for other blessings I have received. For years I suffered from heart trouble, but this has been overcome; also fear of high altitude has been conquered, and a quick temper subdued. I have been healed of nervous breakdown, stomach disorder, and acute lung trouble; the need of an operation has been destroyed, and numerous minor ills have been cured. I am now able to view my neighbor's faults with more tolerant eyes, to see him as God's child and my brother. Christian Science has made me a better daughter, a better wife, and a better friend. It has taught me the spiritual import of the Bible; but greatest of;ill, in lieu of an angry, avenging God, condemning mankind to eternal torture, it gives a knowledge of peace and harmony eternal, prepared of a loving Father-Mother God.— Clyde Park, Mont.

Testimonies of Healing
I am very grateful for the...
From the August 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal