Christian Science has opened to me a new way of viewing life, and has brought me such a substantial basis on which to work that I daily rejoice over the blessing.
I have had several healings. A belief in malaria, due to climatic conditions, has been destroyed, and I have been many times in this same climate without fear of the disease. Also headaches and colds have been overcome very quickly. For another physical trouble that has seemed more tenacious I have had a practitioner's help. Each time the ailment was overcome, but it would return. After several experiences of this kind I became discouraged and allowed some doubt to come into my mind, but the practitioner intimated that I was trying to force my understanding rather than standing still and listening for God's voice and message.
Several days passed and I still seemed confused, but each day some one clear thought came to me, and finally these words from a testimony in the Journal: "I always tried hard to be a good Christian, but now I have given up trying and am resting in Love and Truth." This seemed just what I had been doing, "trying hard" of my own accord and reaping no result. Mrs. Eddy tells us, "Progress is born of experience" (Science and Health, p. 296); so in each experience, as we learn better how to lay aside self and rest in God's presence, safe, secure, and perfect, we find that our trials are becoming stepping-stones to a better understanding of God. I have been healed of sorrow by the realization of what Life is and that it is indestructible. This is a very satisfying proof that Christian Science is a religion which meets our every need.