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Testimonies of Healing

For about two years I taught...

From the September 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For about two years I taught music under conditions which seemed to be harmonious with Christian Science, and not until the last couple of months of that period did I notice anything very discordant. Then both children and parents seemed to be manifesting a great deal of inharmony, and it was brought to my attention that my employer was using mesmerism and hypnotism in the classes, was even giving books on mental power and control to the parents. For some time it had seemed that I was not in my right place, but not until then did I see my way clear to take a decisive step. I took my stand for Truth, for the one Mind as able to govern harmoniously all right ideas, and before two weeks had passed I was absolutely free. Though no thought had been given to the continuance of my teaching, within two weeks I had three pupils. Now I find that as much work as I am able to do in the right way comes to me.

I am very grateful for the understanding I have of Christian Science, and for the privilege of attending Sunday school. I have overcome many temperamental tendencies that seemed very annoying. For three years I have relied only on Science, and am trying so to live daily that I may help others to see the truth.—

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