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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

Since my healing through Christian Science...

From the September 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since my healing through Christian Science of a very serious nervous trouble I have felt the great desire to testify to this experience for the benefit of my fellow men. With regard to this trouble I would confine myself to saying that it caused me dreadful suffering and affected me to such an extent at the time that I believed myself beyond hope of recovery. I was not able to tell those around me of my suffering in a way that would make them realize what I was going through, yet they did the best according to their knowledge. Although I gave the physicians a trial, I soon found that no real help was forthcoming.

Just then acquaintances advised me to turn to Christian Science, and I immediately decided to investigate the subject. The truth as revealed in this teaching was explained to me, and I held fast to it in thought, knowing that it alone could free me from my state of bondage. I saw that wailing and complaining did not avail and that I must work out my own salvation. The text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, made many things clear, and the great facts it revealed have made it possible for me to discern the truth while yet everything seemed dark. Then the light began to shine, and this I considered more beautiful than anything I could think of.

With the assistance of a Christian Science practitioner the claims of the carnal mind were dealt with and gradually silenced. It meant a hard struggle, but the victory was a complete one through Truth. I have been able to attend to my professional activities during the past year and am taking a greater interest in my work than ever before. I would enjoin every one struggling with the Adam concept of man to trust persistently the glorious divine Principle revealed in Christian Science, and to allow no sense of fear or distrust to creep in, as this would work against his progress. No matter how often evil may insinuate that there is no present help, that it would take a long while for healing to be accomplished, let us cultivate humility, that we may be able to reject such thoughts as not coming from God, Spirit. Humility and genuine trust in ever-present divine Love have destroyed such false mental conditions for me.

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