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Testimonies of Healing

I have been studying Christian Science...

From the September 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been studying Christian Science literature a little over a year, but before that time I was always exceedingly bitter and prejudiced against it. One of the things I did not like was to have people tell what Christian Science did for them. I felt that when a benefit was received it was from God, and that people should tell what He did for them and give Him alone the honor and praise. This one thing was a great stumbling-block to me and kept me from looking into Mrs. Eddy's teaching, but I have been made to see that God is the All-power and all benefits do come from Him, and that Christian Science more than any other teaching makes it possible for us to comprehend our relation to God, and His relation to us as Father-Mother God, Love, Life, and Truth.

When reading any of Mrs. Eddy's books or any article on the subject of Christian Science, every time I came to the words Christian Science I translated them Christlike truth, and this seemed to bring the truth to me until I was and am able to say Christian Science, and to give love and gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, who worked so long, lovingly, and faithfully to unfold to us the teaching that will lead us to open our hearts to God and to receive what He intends us to have. All the blessings have been for us from everlasting to everlasting, but we did not know how to get close enough to God to receive them until Mrs. Eddy showed us the way in Christian Science.

Through this teaching God has healed me of a physical ill from which I suffered for many years, and is filling my heart with love and peace, thus enabling me to be happy every day. I am learning to see people with eyes of love instead of eyes of criticism and judgment, and people seem so much more loving, considerate, and unselfish. Christian Science helps me to see the good in people instead of so plainly seeing their faults. I thank God that Mrs. Eddy had the understanding to give to the world a teaching which will bring all true seekers after God and His love into a new life. I read the Bible every day, also Science and Health, in connection with the Lesson-Sermons. I have many of Mrs. Eddy's books and have found them all instructive and uplifting. I am indeed thankful for Christian Science, which has done a great deal for me.—

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