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Testimonies of Healing

I became interested in Christian Science...

From the September 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I became interested in Christian Science several years ago while living in England, and am very grateful for the many blessings which have come into my life through it. An insurance agent who called at our house every week, noticing that I was often in trouble and very irritable, invited me to a Christian Science meeting. I had always attended church because I thought it right to do so, not that I found peace of mind through going; but out of curiosity I went to the Christian Science service the next Sunday evening, where to my joy and delight I found the happiest little band of Scientists and learned of Christian healing as taught and practised by the Master when on earth.

I returned home from that beautifully simple service a changed woman, for I had found peace. Then I obtained a copy of Science and Health and started right in to practise its teachings. Very soon to my surprise the old ailments had forsaken me; severe headache, weariness, envy, selfishness, despair, all left me, and they have not returned. This experience came to me in August, 1911, and Christian Science has since proved the best medicine I ever had, and is all sufficient.

My son began to attend the Christian Science Sunday school, and was healed of defective sight about the second Sunday, so that he soon discarded his glasses. Since coming to Canada he was healed with one treatment of a dislocated knee.

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