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[Written for the Journal]


From the September 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Two patient pilgrims stood at eventide
The eternal Ruler's palace gate beside,
And sought admittance in the name of one
They'd met on earth—the King's beloved Son.
And when the Son had heard what they desired,
Their proof of love and righteousness required.

The first with smiling confidence and pride
Said, "Master, in thy name I've prophesied;
Great, costly temples have I builded thee,
where wealth and power might proudly bend the knee;
I've preached the gospel to ten thousand men
With eloquence and beauty, times again;
Have written books to show sin's fearful power
Upon the race of man each day and hour;
I've preached and prayed and labored in thy name,
And now the right to life eternal claim."
Alone he proudly stood before the Son,
With only words to prove what he had done.

The Son said, "By its fruits we know the tree;
I never knew you, now depart from me!"
And turned in sorrow from such plea away.
Then to the other,—"What hast thou to say!"

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