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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science found me despondent,...

From the September 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science found me despondent, in poverty, full of fear, and without trust in myself or any one else. I thought the world and every one in it was against me, and that I might as well get out of it. My dear mother had taught me to be honest and to pray, but it seemed that the more I prayed the more sins I would commit, and so soon came to the conclusion that I was a hypocrite.

The night I read the chapter entitled Prayer in the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, will never be forgotten. Like a flash the darkness disappeared, and in its place came a flood of light and the peace which passeth understanding. I had found the priceless pearl. I was a new man, "born again," as Jesus says we must be before we can enter into the kingdom of heaven. My first thought about Christian Science was to put into practice that familiar saying, "Practice makes perfect;" so off came my glasses, which had been worn for over twenty years. It is now seven years since this demonstration and my sight is perfect. Prior to this intense headaches were frequent, but I have not had one since the glasses were laid aside.

Proof of the efficacy of Christian Science was thus afforded, so I immediately purchased a copy of Science and Health and proceeded to study as I never had studied anything in my life before. Then total deafness came to be destroyed. I faltered; fear crept in, and finally an aurist was consulted. He said there was an abscess in the right ear, and a crust had formed which was so hard that the air passage had been stopped. As he told me he could remove it in a minute, permission was given for him to do so; but instead of removing the crust, he perforated the ear-drum.

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