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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the French]

For twelve years I was afflicted...

From the September 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For twelve years I was afflicted with a sore finger. Two physicians were consulted, one of whom explained to me that the trouble was the result of a form of nervous disease, while the other impressed upon me that eventually amputation of the hand would be necessary. About a year ago a big wooden tray fell on that finger, in consequence of which I became unable to use the left hand altogether. I again sought the help of a physician, who labored conscientiously, but failed to cure the trouble. After an X-ray examination had been made, both physicians present informed me that there was a tumor forming, to be traced back to a condition of the spine.

In the mean while I had heard through an acquaintance of the healings wrought in Christian Science, so I went to Geneva to look up a practitioner. She was ready to take the case, and after a few treatments my finger was healed. At the same time I was healed of appendicitis, with which I had suffered for several years and which necessitated my observing a prescribed diet. I also used to be troubled with a sense of suffocation at night, but all this has disappeared, and I am now: in perfect health. I am very grateful to God for having been led to find the source of all joy and of every perfect gift.—

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