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Testimonies of Healing

It is with unspeakable thankfulness...

From the June 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with unspeakable thankfulness to God, the giver of all good, and with gratitude to our dearly beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her spiritual interpretation of the teachings of the Master, that I acknowledge my healing of curvature of the spine. After relying on material remedies for several years and finding no help, I turned to Christian Science and was healed. When I think of what Christian Science has saved me from, of the peace and harmony it has brought into my life, of its gentle ministry in helping me to conquer impatience, hate, and a false sense of personality, I find myself in awe of the power of divine Love, and wish that all the world might share in its blessings.

It is wonderful to know that through the power of Truth we can overcome physical and mental discord, but this is as nothing compared with the spiritual healing. The Bible has become a new book to me, and money could not buy the understanding of the truth that I have gained through reading the Bible with Science and Health. I am thankful, too, that early in life I have been guided into that straight and narrow but well defined path which leads to eternal life, and which grows ever brighter and clearer as I realize that it is the same path which our Master. Christ Jesus, trod, and which our Leader has opened anew for all mankind.

I have gained not only health and happiness through Christian Science, but also a spiritual understanding of this wonderful truth.—

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