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From the June 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

People of Anderson and vicinity were given their first knowledge of mental healing by one who came here in 1888 claiming to be a teacher and practitioner of Christian Science. Considerable work was done and some classes were taught during the early nineties; but it was not, strictly speaking, Christian Science, as patients were permitted and even recommended to use medicines in connection with the treatment. There are a good many people in this county who were treated at that time and who are yet in possession of copies of Science and Health of the 1888 edition.

The genuine introduction of Christian Science into this county occurred in 1890, when a lady residing near Lapel was taken ill and sent to Illinois for a practitioner. The practitioner visited this patient, and while here treated several people for their distresses. The seed then planted slowly germinated, and has grown until its fair fruitage is seen not only in this locality, but in the spread of Christian Science throughout the county.

In 1896 an authorized teacher of Christian Science, one of Mrs. Eddy's early students, located at Richmond, Ind., and during the year came to Anderson and taught a class of students. The result of that work was the organization of First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Anderson, Ind., in September of that year. For a few years previous to this, meetings of Scientists had been held in family residences and in small rooms, but after its organization in 1896 the church rented a hall, which was occupied for some time, removing thence, when it had become too small, to a more commodious place. The church continued to grow in membership, and the interest of the community in the subject of Christian Science, which was manifested by an increased attendance at the church services, made necessary repeated removals to other halls of still greater capacity.

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