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Testimonies of Healing

Words but feebly express my gratitude...

From the June 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Words but feebly express my gratitude for the many blessings that have come to me and mine through the teachings of Christian Science. Over six years ago. through the loving help of a practitioner. I was healed of stomach trouble and the discordant conditions which usually accompany this ailment. My father and brother being physicians of the old school, it w as most natural that I should give medicine and material remedies a thorough trial, and finally I was under the care of a stomach specialist for nearly a year, faithfully following everything prescribed, —diet, exercise, baths, and the like. While I was grateful to the physicians for their honest efforts to relieve and heal, I found myself fast losing faith in their remedies, and growing discouraged, disheartened, and unhappy.

Underneath it all there was a reaching out to God for help, for I felt that surely there must be some way out of such a condition. Then from a most unexpected source came an invitation to attend a Wednesday evening meeting in the Christian Science church. I was much impressed with the simplicity of the service and the peaceful atmosphere; and the love and gratitude expressed in the testimonies filled me with hope and joy. I soon asked for treatment, and my healing was accomplished in a few weeks.

For this healing I am sincerely grateful, but. for the spiritual revelation of Truth in my consciousness, which far transcends any experience that, has ever come into my life, I thank God. My heart overflows with gratitude to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her untiring labor of love for humanity, and for all the channels through which we are helped in our journey from sense to Soul.—

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