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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the French]

It is with a dutiful sense and a...

From the June 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a dutiful sense and a feeling of keen satisfaction that I am giving herewith an account of a case of healing through Christian Science. I was ill for several years, and when medical treatment remained ineffective, the doctor advised that I take a complete rest in the south of France and stop thinking about my business. My condition became aggravated, however, and every attempt to look after my business resulted in a collapse within a short while. An acknowledged medical authority after a lengthy examination declared my trouble not to be serious, and said that careful treatment would lead to good results. Not having improved under the regimen prescribed, I again consulted this renowned physician, and another kind of treatment was resorted to, but it proved no more beneficial than the first.

My condition steadily grew worse, and for several days I had fainting spells. On Easter day, 1915, the attack was more prolonged and serious than on previous occasions, and it became altogether impossible for me to look after my business, though my presence was particularly required at that time. I despaired of ever getting well, but wishing to try the last chance of recovery, left for the South as soon as my strength would permit. At the end of three months there seemed to be an improvement, but only a few days after my return to Paris I lapsed into my former ill health and believed myself doomed.

My wife then begged me to have Christian Science treatment, and immediately wrote to a practitioner, who was absent from the city at the time, but replied at once, advising present treatment. I disliked very much the thought of Christian Science treatment, as I had no confidence in it; but I yielded to my wife's entreaties and allowed her to take me to a practitioner. It was decided that I should have one week's treatment, and if at the end of that time there was no improvement, it would be discontinued. After the first treatment there was a decided improvement, and on the third day I went to the practitioner without experiencing the slightest fatigue and eager to hear the truth. After the seventh day I was entirely well. This was about a year ago, and since then I have steadily gained in strength. Not only is my health very good now, but I have an entirely different outlook upon life, and my thought is as calm and restful as it was agitated and anxious in former days.

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