Christ Jesus, who was the great teacher and demonstrator of true theology, brought healing and salvation to a people in bondage to pagan teachings and practices. The vast majority of the people of his era worshiped false gods and made images to represent their material concept, of these deities. Those who followed the teachings of Judaism were a small minority. It is true that the more spiritual of the ancient Hebrew writers spoke of God as ever present, almighty, and infinite Spirit, but in the era of our Saviour this pure teaching had been lost sight of by most of the people, because of the prevailing concept of a tribal, anthropomorphic God.
The God of Judaism was looked upon as responsible for all disease and disaster, and as sending affliction upon poor humanity. Christ Jesus taught that God is ever present Spirit, and he further declared God to be infinite Love and Life. His teachings and mighty works were a rebuke to the theology of his day, which had implanted fear in the minds of the people. In Christianity as taught by the Saviour the love of God for man, the love of man for God, and the love of man for man replaced all enslaving fear.
The pagan world was at first indifferent to the teachings of Christianity and contemptuously permitted the Master's persecution and crucifixion. After his ascension, as his students and followers continued to heal all manner of disease through the power of Truth and Love, Christianity was accepted by many among all classes in the various provinces of the Roman Empire. Then the pagan emperors began to fear its remarkable success as a menace to the authorized religion of the state, and persecuted its followers; but even under persecution Christianity flourished, and through its practice sin was overcome, serious cases of sickness were healed, and even the dead were raised to life.