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Testimonies of Healing

I rejoice in the privilege of being...

From the June 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I rejoice in the privilege of being able to testify to the power of Truth. Five years ago, when I first sought help in Christian Science, I was in the very depths of human suffering, Medical skill afforded me ho relief. I had the services of two physicians, the second of whom after having tried all that he could in the way of medicines, without success, advised an immediate operation as the only hope of any relief. He gave very little encouragement, as I had become so weak from suffering that I was unable to speak above a whisper or raise my head without assistance. I had been confined in bed for three weeks. He could not determine the exact nature of the disease Without an experimental operation, but he expressed the opinion that the trouble was organic.

In order to escape this operation, help was sought in Christian Science. The doctor was dismissed and a Christian Science practitioner was asked to take the case. At the time the practitioner first came, I had every symptom of one about to pass on. The mental work was, however, so lovingly and faithfully done that in three days I was able to get out of bed for a while. In a short time a decomposed obstruction was dissolved and passed away and I -was finally, completely, and permanently healed.

Through the study of the Bible and of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, I have also been healed of stomach trouble and rheumatism. There have been many demonstrations in the family, too numerous to relate. I am deeply thankful to God that the truth was revealed to one who was pure enough to receive it and generous enough to give it out to others, that all may avail themselves of the blessings if they so desire. While I am very grateful for all the physical healings, I am more grateful to have found a practical religion which meets every human need when the rules are properly applied. The explanation of the Scriptures as taught by our Leader is the most logical and satisfactory of anything I have ever found. It is my sincere desire to prove my gratitude by daily striving to reflect more and more of the Christ-mind.—

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